
BINANCE Let Hacker Away with over 7000BTC

According to the CZ_Binance, CEO @Binance conversations on twitter to the Community it  seems like it is very Difficult to Track down the Hacker/Hackers Stole 0ver 7000 BTC On Binance Exchange  while the Comments Clearly if Not shown Nearly or very Closer or the truth that they let is Go with a lesson from Attack. 
Considered From the different Crypto Specialists and techs show them, the reality of the Situation that happen on Binance Exchange which let The Not to pursue with Re-org BTC Approach,Community responds differently to their action,Some says they realize can not ,other show its wise decisions .CZ Binance no user fund account will be affected #SAFU will used To cover the Damaged Accounts And  The Following Are the Reasons Why Rollback                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CZ_Binance                                                                                                                                                  Pros: 1 we could "revenge" the hackers by "moving" the fees to miners; 2 deter future hacking attempts in the process. 3. explore the possibility of how bitcoin network would deal with situations like these.

Cons: 1 we may damage credibility of BTC, 2 we may cause a split in both the bitcoin network and community. Both of these damages seems to out-weight $40m revenge. 3 the hackers did demonstrate certain weak points in our design and user confusion, that was not obvious before.

Cons: 4 While it is a very expensive lesson for us, it is nevertheless a lesson. it was our responsibility to safe guard user funds. We should own up it. We will learn and improve. As always, thank you for your support!
  Some Twitter Conversations With CZ_Binance On BINANCE Rollback

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