
Entrepreneurs and Businessman

Entrepreneurs Are businessman but not All businessman are Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship Is designing, launching and running a new business, which is often initially The people who create these businesses are called entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship has been described as the "capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit. While definitions of entrepreneurship typically focus on the launching and running of  businesses, due to the high risks involved in launching a start-up, a significant proportion of start-up businesses have to close due to "lack of funding, bad business decisions, an economic crisis, lack of market demand or a combination of all of these. (Wikipedia, 2000)
Intrapreneurship, Is An act of behaving like an entrepreneur while working within a large organization. Intrapreneurship is known as the practice of a corporate management style that integrates risk-taking and innovation approaches, as well as the reward and motivational techniques,that are more traditionally thought of as being the province of entrepreneurship
Intrapreneurs are the "secret weapon" of the business world. Based on these definitions, being an intrapreneurs is considered to be beneficial for both intrapreneurs and large organizations. Companies support intrapreneurs with finance and access to corporate resources, while intrapreneurs create innovation for companies. (Wikipedia, 2000)
Entrepreneur are businessman but not all Business man Are Entrepreneur
It is true and in order  to justifies this statement there are issues to be address first, through which the conclusion drawn from those issues will answer the question to why entrepreneur are businessman but no all businessman are entrepreneur. For the purpose of this assignment issue to be address first is meaning of businessman and entrepreneur, followed with the differences and similarities finally the conclusion.

 Businessman, A person who is engaged in carrying out any activity, related to commercial and industrial purposes is known as Businessman. He sets up his business as a new entrant in the market as for the existing business. When it comes to originality of ideas, most of the businessmen go for a business which is highly in demand or which can make huge profits for them irrespective of uniqueness.

A businessman faces tough competition because there are hundreds of rivals already existing in the market undertaking the same business. Although the risk factor is low because he  walks on a path that is already tested by the rivals so the chances of failure are relatively low. The main objective of a businessman for conducting the economic activities is to generate revenue by employing the human, financial and intellectual resources. By virtue of this, customers are treated as the king of   business by the businessman.  (Surbhi, 2015)
An entrepreneur, Is a person who conceives a unique idea or concept to start an enterprise and brings it into reality. He is the person who bears risks and uncertainties of the business. The venture established by the entrepreneur is known as Startup Company, which is formed for the very first time regarding the idea, innovation or business process. He/She is the ones who lead the market always no matter how many competitors will come later, but their position will remain untouched. In economics, the entrepreneur is considered as the most important factor of production, which assembles and mobilizes the other three factors of production i.e. land, labor and capital. Entrepreneurs are known for their creative approach. They introduce innovation and coordinate the resources. They offer such products and services which bring about a change in the world.Some real life examples of such entrepreneurs are Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft), Mark Zuckerberg (co-founder of Facebook), Larry Page (co-founder of Google), Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple)  etc. (Surbhi, 2015)


  1. A person who brings his unique idea to run a startup company is known as an entrepreneur.  While A businessman is a person who starts a business on an old concept or idea.
  2. As the businessman follows the footsteps of other businessmen, the possibility of failure is very less which is just opposite in the case of the entrepreneur.
  3. A businessman uses traditional methods to run the business. Conversely, an entrepreneur applies unconventional methods for the same.
  4. A businessman is oriented towards profit, however, an entrepreneur is a people focused in essence, he gives more importance to its employees, customers, and the public.
  5. The businessman faces extreme competition because it is very difficult to gain a competitive position in an already existing market, which is not in the case of an entrepreneur.  (Surbhi, 2015)


Entrepreneur and a businessman. They both don’t want to be bossed by anyone so they will not work for anybody else. Even if they try to work for a company, they cannot do it because they will get bored and not get used to the lifestyle of working for a company. They want to run their own businesses the way they want without having anyone who could tell them that they should not do that or this because it is not efficient or effective. They like to run their own shows.
Entrepreneurs want to take control and responsibility over their destiny. They want to start a business and focus their effort and time on pursuing a goal close to their heart. Businessmen are exactly the same. We want to take our money matters into our own hands, and a great way to do that is by learning about investing.
Both entrepreneurs and traders see opportunity all around them. They have a keen sense of how to make lemonade when life hands them lemons. Even in down markets, traders know there are trades to be placed, just like entrepreneurs know there are opportunities to seize.

Both they take risks although the entrepreneur take the high risk than the businessman due to the nature and attitude of them. Businessman know as much about risk as entrepreneurs. We are consistently taking risks with our money in the trades that we place   the only difference is that tasty businessman have more knowledge about options trading and the risk involved.

Innovative Thinkers               
They both think on make innovation if the business already exists in the market that the thinking mind posses by all although Magnitude is differ.
 (Team, 2015)
In the long run, an entrepreneur becomes a businessman, but there is a difference. Even the terms will sound same for a layman, but there is a fine line amidst the two, in the sense that an entrepreneur is always a market leader whereas a businessman is a market player.                                        
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Surbhi. (2015, 9 7). Retrieved 5 20, 2018, from Key Difference: https://keydifferences.com/difference-between-businessman-and-entrepreneur.html
Team, T. t. (2015, 4 14). Four Similarities Between Entrepreneurs and Traders. Retrieved 5 21, 2018, from Tastytrade: http://tastytradenetwork.squarespace.com/tt/blog/2015/4/14/four-similarities-between-entrepreneurs-and-traders
Wikipedia. (2000). Wikipedia. Retrieved 5 20, 2018, from Entrepreneurship: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entrepreneurship

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